Raul Malo at the Warwick Arts Centre
On Monday 25th October 1999 I went to see Raul Malo (and Jaime Hanna) with Kim Richey at the Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry. It was absolutely brilliant!

I had a perfect position-second row from the front. The stage had two arm chairs, table, books and drink on. It looked like a 1950's living room. There was even a standard lamp!

Kim Richey came on first and did her spot, which lasted about half and hour. I had never heard her songs before, and she was a great singer! Kim began an on-going joke about going to a motorcycle museum during the day with Raul and the others. She wasn't really interested in bikes and said the museum was full of them. I know the one well, and it is very big!

It was then Raul's turn to take to the stage. He walked on with his guitar and sat on a bar stool. He chatted to the audience for a while. I remember one story he said (about the museum!:-) was that they were in the taxi and asked for the 'Warwick Arts Centre', which in their accents sounded like Worwick Arts Centre.

Raul said the driver didn't know what he meant, but then had to correct him when he realised! Raul then said about the different way in which we say Birmingham. He'd asked for this town too in the taxi, and found out how we pronounce Birmingham. We say it 'Burmingum' and Raul did an impression of it! It was really funny!
Jaime and Dennis Britt then came on stage and the show was in full swing! It was wonderful! The songs worked perfectly in an unplugged situation-including 'Dance The Night Away and 'All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down'!

I've got another little story to tell about after the show.. My dad had asked a work friend at the Arts Centre if she could get me back stage for Raul to sign a poster I had. I couldn't believe it when she did! Me, and my mum and dad, were walking back stage and we waited in the band room!!!! I was so nervous. It was just us three in there, waiting for Raul to come and see us!

I waited for about 5 minutes, then I could hear him and the friend saying we're in here! Then he walked in with Jaime!!! I couldn't believe it! I can't really remember what I said or what they said, it all happened so quick! All I seem to remember is that, I gave Raul my poster to sign and I was holding lots of leaflets they gave out to us ..and they all fell on the floor!! Raul even bent down to help me pick them up-it was so embarrassing! I then properly gave him the poster and they fell on the floor again!!! I think Raul was laughing about it all! I then went up to Jaime, who was very nice as well, and he signed my leaflet!

It was just so strange because it was only us 5 in the dressing room!! That was my first real Maverick meeting, and it certainly was memorable-although I would rather forget the embarrassing moments! It was a great show!